API (Application Programming Interface)  of eshop of Jansen Display - can make new orders and find of status of them .

API is secure for all your details which are used for eshop and orders.

API connection FAQ


Place an order

URL : www.jansen-display.cz/api/order/add

Input : XML  file matching scheme  order_api_request.xsd

Output : XML  file matching scheme   order_api_response.xsd

Input structure * :

  • order  - required
    • user - customer or supplier - required
      • email - registration email  - required
      • password - password used in registration for eshop - required
    • customer - required
      • company - required for company
        • name - company name (120) - required
      • person  - required
        • firstname (32) - required
        • lastname (32) - required
      •  delivery_address - required
        • street - street and house number (128) - required
        • city (128) - required
        • postcode   - without spaces - required
        • country_code - CZE / SVK - required
        • telephone (45) - required
        • address_specification - delivery address specification
      • email - T&T email
    • products  - required
      • product - item for each product - required
        • code - product code - required
        • quantity - number of  items - required
        • printing_source - links to external printing source (occurrence 0:2)
        • print_guide_document - link to external printing guide document
        • without_printing_source - order poster without printing (only paper)
        • frames - list of related frames for product (poster)
          • frame - for each relation between products
            • code - product code from list of products - required
            • quantity - relation qunatity - required
    • payment_type - cash_on_delivery / bank_transfer / invoice  - required
    • currency - CZK  /  EUR - required
    • shipping_type  delivery  : delivery to address /  pick_up : pick up in Přestanov - required
    • note
    • delivery_note - url of downloadable self delivery note file
    • delivery_date - requested delivery date in d.m.Y format
    • preferred_expedition_date - preferred expedition date in d.m.Y format
    • external_id (50) - your own order id
    • printing_related_order - code of existing order to take printing data from

Output structure :

  • result
    • success - 0 : unsuccess request / 1 : success request
    • error_code - if success == 0
    • error_message - if success == 0
    • order - if success == 1
      • currency_code - CZK  /  EUR
      • order_id
      • total
        • price_products_without_tax price of products without tax
        • price_shipping_without_tax price of shipping without tax
        • price_with_tax price of all products and shipping with tax
      • products 
        • product  each product which is ordered
          • order_product_id order product id
          • code product code
          • quantity  
          • price_without_tax price of one product without tax
          • price_with_tax price of one product with tax
          • total_without_tax price for all products without tax
          • total_with_tax - price for all products including tax


Order state request

URL : www.jansen-display.cz/api/order/status

Input : XML file matching scheme  order_status_api_request.xsd

Output : XML file matching scheme   order_status_api_response.xsd

Input structure * :

  • order  - required
    • user  - required
      • email registration email - required
      • password password used in registration for eshop - required
    • order_id - order id which you get on start - required


Output structure :

  •  result
    • success  - 0 : unsuccess request / 1 : success request
    • error_code - if success == 0
    • error_message - if success == 0
    • order - if success == 1
      • order_id
      • status_id
      • status_label
      • internal_id order id which can be used for communication with back office of Jansen Display
      • shipping_date
      • tracking_numbers - list of tracking numbers
        • tracking_number - single tracking number
      • products 
        • product  each product which is ordered
          • order_product_id - order product id
          • code - product code
          • quantity  
          • printing_source  
          • print_proof_file   - link to print data preview if exists


Printing source request

URL : www.jansen-display.cz/api/order/printing_source

Input : XML file matching scheme  printing_source_api_request.xsd

Output : XML file matching scheme   printing_source_api_response.xsd

Input structure * :

  • order  - required
    • user  - required
      • email registration email - required
      • password password used in registration for eshop - required
    • order_id - order id for which products you want to change printing source  - required
    • order_printing_sources - list of printing sources  - required
      • order_printing_source single printing source  - required
        • order_product_id order product id from order or order status response  - required
        • printing_source link to external printing source  - required


Output structure :

  •  result
    • success  - 0 : unsuccess request / 1 : success request
    • error_code - if success == 0
    • error_message - if success == 0


Print proof accept request

URL : www.jansen-display.cz/api/order/print_proof

Input : XML file matching scheme  print_proof_api_request.xsd

Output : XML file matching scheme   printing_source_api_response.xsd

Input structure * :

  • order  - required
    • user  - required
      • email registration email - required
      • password password used in registration for eshop - required
    • order_id - order id for accept printing data previews  - required


Output structure :

  •  result
    • success  - 0 : unsuccess request / 1 : success request
    • error_code - if success == 0
    • error_message - if success == 0